október, 2017

15oktCelodenné21CNNP2017 — Conference on Neutrinos and Nuclear Physics (Catania, Taliansko)


Detaily podujatia


The main objective of CNNP2017 is to promote a collaborative framework of researchers from the fields of nuclear, neutrino, astro and dark-matter physics, to discuss experiments and theories in which nuclear physics aspects are particularly relevant. At present, nuclear structure plays an ever growing role in the mentioned fields of fundamental physics, but still a lot needs to be done. The overlap between different communities is an unavoidable, despite demanding, feature in order to face several challenges of modern fundamental physics. The sharing of different experimental and theoretical techniques and the exchange of technical experiences and know-how are perhaps the best resource to build a unified view of the afore mentioned scientific problems. In this context, it is of utmost importance to allow people working at the intersections of these fields to meet regularly to exchange ideas and results. For this reason, the CNNP2017 aims at evolving in the long term into a periodic meeting.

A preliminary list of the topics to be developed during the Conference is given below: Nuclear double beta decays; Nuclear structure in connection with neutrino physics; Nuclear reactions as a probe for weak decays; Neutrino-nucleus interaction at low and high energy; Supernova models and detection of supernova neutrinos; Solar models and detection of solar neutrinos; Direct and indirect dark-matter searches; Rare beta decays of nuclei for neutrino-mass measurements; Neutrino oscillations and matter effects; Anomalies in reactor neutrinos; New related detection technologies


október 15 (Neďeľa) - 21 (Sobota)


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