marec, 2018

11marCelodenné17International Youth Nuclear Congress (Bariloche, Argentína)


Detaily podujatia

The International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) 2018 conference will be organized jointly with the 26th WiN Global Annual Conference on 11 – 17 March 2018 in Bariloche, Argentina. The conference will provide a forum for young professionals and women in the nuclear field to discuss and collaborate on knowledge transfer, nuclear science and technology research and implementation, professional development, and communication. In particular, the conference brings together young professionals that are looking to further their careers and senior leaders that are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with younger generations.

In 2016 IYNC and WiN signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster their collaboration and joint activities on knowledge transfer, education and communication on peaceful use of nuclear science and technologies.

As both organizations selected Argentina to host their 2018 conferences, we decided to team-up and benefit from a unique opportunity to organize IYNC-WiN2018 together.

In addition, the World Nuclear University is holding an Extended Leadership Development Workshop for WNU Summer Institute alumni, from 14 – 15 March 2018. The WNU Summer Institute is a six week nuclear leadership development programme held annually and this workshop is open to all previous Fellows and Mentors from 2005 to 2017. For more information, please visit the WNU web page.


marec 11 (Neďeľa) - 17 (Sobota)


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